Ethnic Distance Survey, 2013

Ethnic Distance Survey, 2013

CEDEM held a press conference today to present the results of research on ethnic distance. Using tested, valid and verified measurement instruments, we conducted a survey aimed at determining the degree of interethnic distancing in Montenegro.

After almost 25 years of transition and turbulent events on the political scene of the entire former SFRY, but also Montenegro, and given the traces of the recent and distant past, the question of stability of society as a multinational society largely depends on interethnic relations. One of the tasks of empirical social science is to monitor relations between ethnic communities with scientific instruments. That was exactly the goal of the research we conducted.

CEDEM conducted the first research of this type in 2004, and then after the referendum – in 2007. As far as is known, these are the only researches of ethnic distance in Montenegro that were conducted after the disintegration of the SFRY. In that way, important traces for the future are left, which can be shown from the point of view of long-term trends, that is. the extent to which citizens ethnically distanced themselves from each other in this historical period.

The research was conducted from November 12 to 30, 2013, and the data were collected using the survey method. As in 2004 and 2007, the survey was conducted on a two-stage stratified sample, with a random selection of respondents within the census districts and with a total number of 790 respondents. The sample is representative for the whole of Montenegro, with the total number of Albanians and Muslims / Bosniaks being ‘strengthened’, in order to achieve representative data on the attitudes of members of these national groups.