Strengthening regional judicial cooperation in criminal matters through a multisectoral approach

The overall goal of the project is to contribute to the strengthening of regional cooperation in the judiciary in criminal matters, through strengthening the capacity and dialogue of participants in the judiciary, in close cooperation with civil society organizations.
The specific objective of this project is to support mutual cooperation and dialogue between judges, prosecutors, judicial staff and civil society organizations in this field.
The purpose of the project is the need to strengthen regional judicial cooperation and bring together key participants, namely representatives:
• Courts (basic and higher courts, as well as the Court of Appeals of Montenegro),
• Prosecutor’s Offices (including the Supreme State Prosecutor’s Office and the Office of the Special Prosecutor),
• Ministry of Justice,
• Ministries of Human and Minority Rights and
• Relevant civil society organizations.
The project is organizing a one-day conference with 35 representatives of these institutions and organizations to discuss the current situation, challenges, activities and prospects in the field of regional judicial cooperation, as well as a press conference to present a regional comparative publication. : “Regional Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters: A Review of Practice in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania, Kosovo and Macedonia”, authored by legal experts from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Northern Macedonia, Kosovo, Albania and Montenegro Up.
The project is supported by the Konrad Adenaurer Foundation through the Rule of Law South East Europe program.