

The project aims to promote and support the wider application of alternative sanctions and restorative justice measures in Montenegro, by encouraging and empowering civil society organizations to participate more actively in improving the protection of human rights in the criminal justice system. In order to determine and analyze the conditions for the application of alternative sanctions, an in-depth research and analysis of the attitudes of experts, stakeholders and interested parties will be carried with an emphasis on the effects of application of these sanctions on reducing crime and recidivism, i.e. reducing the prevalence of imprisonment. The research also aims to assess the quality of the existing post-penal protection system, with a preliminary analysis of the relevant legal and institutional framework in Montenegro and an analysis of the comparative practice. The project covers almost all target groups identified by public competition, namely detainees, prisoners, employees of the Ministry of Justice, Human and Minority Rights – Directorate for Probation, as well as employees of the Administration for Execution of Criminal Sanctions, other organs of the local governments, and representatives of the civil sector. Research methods will include desk research, context analysis, review of case law, interviews, discussions, and presentations.

The main activities of the project include the preparation of a comprehensive research methodology, preliminary (desk) research, interviews and focus groups with representatives of key stakeholders, data processing and analysis and preparation of a report on the assessment of the situation in this area, with recommendations. The results of the research will be published and presented at a round table that will bring together all key actors in the system and will define proposals for future ways to improve the quality of respect for the fundamental rights of persons deprived of their liberty in Montenegro. This will provide significant support to the Administration for the Execution of Criminal Sanctions in further developing the system of alternative sanctions, and create a good basis for improving public policies in this area and further strengthening the professional skills of prison staff, based on analysis of the effects of alternative sanctions.

Total budget of the project is 8.457,50 euros, supported by the Ministry of Justice, Human, and Minority Rights.