Over half of Montenegro’s population are women, all while their participation in political and public life is almost negligible. The regressive trend of participation of women and persons of different gender and gender identities, as well as marginalized persons in political decision-making represents the backbone of the project “For greater equality in political decision-making!”, focused on an issue recognized by international reports with regards to the question of gender-equality and political participation of women. In this regard, the purpose of this project is to contribute to the fulfillment of obligations arising from the CEDAW text and recommendations, given that Montenegro is expected to take appropriate measures to eliminate discrimination against women in political and other areas of life, regardless of whom the discriminatory behavior comes from.
In accordance with the above, the overall goal of the project is to encourage the participation of women and persons of different gender and gender identities, as well as marginalized persons on an equal basis with men in political and public life by preventing and eliminating stereotypes and prejudices. The contribution to the general goal will be realized through the achievement of specific goals, i.e. by improving knowledge and skills for political participation and decision-making, improving normative regulations on women’s political participation at the local and national level, and raising awareness of the general population on eliminating stereotypes and prejudices.
Having in mind the stated goals, the activities of the project are related to capacity building in the field of women’s political participation, while providing an innovative Handbook for political participation of women and persons of different gender and gender identities. In addition, in order to improve regulations in this area and the importance of a synergistic and multisector approach to this issue, a platform of various social and political actors will be created, which will draft a final proposal for an initiative to amend the Law on Election of Deputies and Councilors increasing the obligatory quota system for women up to 40%. Special attention will be paid to the advocacy process, which is why, in addition to creating the platform, activities such as meetings with representatives of the relevant parliamentary committee and a national conference on strengthening the visibility and perception of women in public and political life will be held. Given the importance of raising awareness in order to eliminate gender stereotypes and prejudices, a media campaign of the project will be implemented aimed at promoting women from local elections and their participation in political decision-making, as well as podcasts with women politicians from Montenegro, the region and the EU.
The expected outcomes of this project are aimed at acquiring knowledge and skills of target groups on the importance of political participation and decision-making, providing a synergistic and multisector approach to initiating changes to the existing legal solution and raising awareness of the general population about the importance of eliminating gender stereotypes and prejudices.
The project is supported by the Ministry of Justice, Human and Minority Rights, while the total budget for the implementation of this project is 12,400.00 euros.