World Summit of the Open Government Partnership
The OGP World Summit was held in London from 31 October to 1 November as part of the British co-chair of this initiative, which aims to strengthen the role of the public in public policy-making, anti-corruption and affirmation. use of new technologies. The summit brought together more than 1,000 representatives of state institutions and civil society from OGP member countries.
Among other things, the summit assessed that the role of civil society representatives is key to strengthening cooperation between government and citizens, but that it must be ensured that reforms are aimed at greater government accountability and strengthening social justice, and not simply at ensuring economic growth. and improving the quality of public services. More information regarding the conclusions of the summit can be downloaded via the following links:
The regional project Advocacy for Open Government was also presented at the summit, which aims to encourage the development of the concept of open government and strengthen the capacity of civil society organizations to influence the establishment of responsible and transparent government. The project is implemented by PASOS, in cooperation with partners from the Western Balkans: the Center for Euro-Atlantic Integration from Serbia, the Center for Research and Public Policy from Macedonia, the Center for Social Research – Analytics from BiH, the Institute for Democracy and Mediation from Albania and Riinvest from Kosovo. Partners for Montenegro are CEDEM and the Center for Research and Monitoring (CEMI).