Representatives of CEDEM, Marija Vuksanović and Elvis Beriša, participated in a two-day regional conference dedicated to the education of Roma men and women, entitled “EDUCATION FOR ALL”. The conference was organized by the Ministry of Human and Minority Rights of Montenegro and CARE International.
The conference brought together 50 participants from BiH, Serbia, Kosovo, Macedonia and Montenegro, with the aim of encouraging and promoting the role and involvement of Roma men and women in the implementation of the national plans of the Roma Decade in the field of education.
Namely, despite the efforts made within the Decade of Roma Inclusion and national strategies for the inclusion of Roma and Egyptians, the available data presented at the conference indicate that 60% of members of this community are not covered by education. Roma and Egyptian students stay in the education system for an average of 5.5 years, in contrast to students from the general population with an average of 11 years.
The regional conference is one of the activities of the three-year regional project “Active Inclusion and the Rights of Roma Women in the Western Balkans” implemented by CARE International Balkans, in partnership with Roma women’s NGOs from the region: Better Future, Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Center for Roma Initiatives. Nikšić (Montenegro – PGF partner) and Roma Women’s Center-Bibija, Belgrade (Republic of Serbia).