An educational workshop was held for members of the RE population in Tivat

An educational workshop was held for members of the RE population in Tivat

(Detalj sa prve edukativne radionice za pripadnike RE populacije koja je održana u Tivtu.)

An educational workshop for members of the RE population on the rights, causes, consequences and ways to combat domestic violence, child begging and forced marriages was successfully completed, which was held in Tivat, at the Hotel Splendido, on July 26, 2019. .

Educational workshop for members of the RE population in Tivat is the first of three workshops, which will be held within the project “Together for sustainable results in the fight against domestic violence, child begging and forced marriages” financially supported by the Ministry of Human and Minority Rights of Montenegro Up. Apart from Tivat, workshops will be held in Podgorica and Berane.

Lecturers at the workshop were Ms. Ljuljeta Vuckovic and Mr. Xhafer Brahimi, mediators and representatives of the NGO “Association of Egyptians”.

The aim of the project is to contribute to the prevention and suppression of domestic violence, child begging and forced marriages among the RE population, by strengthening multisectoral, coordinated cooperation of all relevant institutions, organizations and institutions at the local level, but also raising awareness of the lay and professional public. according to the RE population and the need to increase sensitivity, as one of the preconditions for combating these problems.