ANNOUNCEMENT: Working meetings of representatives of the judiciary and the media
The Center for Democracy and Human Rights – CEDEM, in cooperation with TV Prva, is implementing the project “Strengthening the role of the media in improving criminal justice in Montenegro” with the financial support of the European Union within the Media Professionalization Program.
The project aims to contribute to strengthening the capacity of the media in Montenegro to report on criminal justice, by increasing the quality and credibility of investigative journalism in this area.
In order to strengthen the relationship between the media and civil society organizations, on the one hand, and representatives of the judiciary, on the other hand, working meetings and consultations will be organized.
The purpose of the working meetings is to encourage dialogue between these actors, especially on the use of the Law on Free Access to Information in order to improve the quality and credibility of media coverage of criminal justice cases, while creating the image of judicial bodies as open and willing actors to cooperate with media and civil society organizations. At the end of the working meeting, it is planned to sign a Memorandum in order to improve cooperation.
The first working meeting will be held on October 24 at 11 am in Pljevlja.