Competition for students of the school “Youth as active citizens”
The Center for Democracy and Human Rights – CEDEM, is implementing the project “Strengthening the competencies of young people to participate in the decision-making process” with the financial support of the Ministry of Sports and Youth of Montenegro.
Within this project, taking into account the needs of greater involvement of young people in society and the decision-making process and policy making for young people, CEDEM is organizing a school “Youth as active citizens” which will be held from 22 to 25 June 2020 at Hotel Bianca in Kolasin.
The school is aimed at encouraging youth participation in the decision-making process in all areas related to them, with special emphasis on civic, political and economic participation, and in cooperation with experts in the field of decision-making, youth policy and youth work. the school curriculum in accordance with which the draft agenda was prepared, which is an integral part of this invitation letter.
The school consists of 4 modules designed to be an introductory speech given by representatives of state institutions, bodies or authorities related to the topic of the module, and then experts work with young people to provide the necessary knowledge and skills to use mechanisms in a particular areas of importance for young people’s lives.
After the School, all participants will receive work assignments that need to be carried out in their local communities, and the results will be presented at the final conference of the project, with the presentation of a certificate of successful attendance.
The competition is open to all interested:
- mlade koji su učenici završnih razreda srednjih škola
- studente Univerziteta Crne Gore, Univerziteta Donja Gorica i Univerziteta Mediteran
- predstavnike organizacija koji se bave mladima
- mlade koji ne rade i nisu u sistemu obrazovanja ili obuke (NEET kategorija)
CEDEM pokriva troškove učestvovanja, kao i troškove smještaja, hrane i prevoza.
To apply, you need to send a short motivation letter with basic personal information (in one document) to the e-mail address: ivona.kaludjerovic@cedem.me no later than June 16, 2020 by 12 noon, marked “Application for school – Young people as active citizens “. All candidates will receive an email notification of the outcome of the selection process by June 18, 2020.