
Together for the affirmation of multiculturalism and equality!


Ministarstvo za ljudska i manjinska prava

Project “Together for the affirmation of multiculturalism and equality!” it arose as a result of mapped problems, challenges and shortcomings in this area during the implementation of previous projects in the field of protection against discrimination against members of minority groups and the promotion of multiculturalism.

Having in mind the strategic goals of Montenegro and obligations in the application of European Union standards in this area, the project aims to contribute to greater respect for the rights of persons belonging to minorities and raise awareness of the professional and lay public about the importance of multiculturalism. judicial staff, civil society actors, representatives of minority councils and local governments on anti-discrimination legislation and enabling equality of members of minority groups with others through the development of public policies, encouraging a more coherent and effective equality policy by raising awareness of multiculturalism, and respect for other cultures, and fostering cultural diversity and developing a spirit of interethnic tolerance among Montenegrin citizens and raising public awareness of the culture and traditions of minority peoples.

This project is especially aimed at: 1) Young staff in the judiciary (professional associates with special emphasis on employees in the Basic Court, the High Court, the Administrative Court, the State Prosecutor’s Office and law firms); 2) Civil society actors (employees of organizations dealing with the rule of law, protection and promotion of the rights of minority peoples); 3) Representatives of minority councils and 4) Representatives of local self-governments.

Within this project, a media campaign, research “Ethnic distances in Montenegro”, as well as two-day schools for young people in the judiciary, civil society actors, representatives of minority councils and representatives of local governments will be implemented.

The project is implemented with the financial support of the Ministry of Human and Minority Rights of Montenegro.