
Support for the development of the Montenegrin asylum and illegal migration management system

The project Support to the Development of the Montenegrin Asylum and Illegal Migration Management System was supported by the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Montenegro. The project aims to contribute to the protection of human rights of asylum seekers and migrants, but also to the development of integration policies of Montenegro and faster fulfillment of conditions for membership in the European Union.

It is intended for representatives of state bodies in charge of creating and implementing policies in the field of asylum and migration; lawyers, the media and NGOs. Project activities will include the development of policy reports on the compliance of domestic legislation and practice with international standards in this area; trainings on the case law of the European Court of Human Rights in asylum and migration cases, as well as trainings on the implementation of the Dublin Convention and migration management, research of the general public’s attitudes towards asylum seekers and migrants, and providing primary legal assistance to these persons. The project partner is the Civic Alliance.