Let’s build sustainable results in the fight against human trafficking

The Center for Democracy and Human Rights (CEDEM) and the Montenegrin Women’s Lobby (CZL) are implementing the project “Building Sustainable Results in the Fight against Trafficking in Human Beings” which aims to strengthen the capacity of representatives of institutions to identify victims of trafficking and improve coordination. and cooperation between key actors in the fight against trafficking in human beings.The project includes several different activities, including trainings for representatives of institutions involved in the fight against human trafficking; preparation and promotion of the Report on Prevention and Suppression of Child Begging, workshops for media representatives and focus groups for representatives of the media, non-governmental organizations and institutions.
The project will include a public campaign aimed at supporting Montenegro’s efforts to combat trafficking, through consultations with representatives of local communities, and the promotion of a free SOS line for reporting cases of trafficking is planned.
The project is being implemented with the support of the Canadian Embassy in Belgrade.The total value of the project is € 12,551.00.