Organized public forum on “For or against Montenegro’s accession to NATO”

Organized public forum on “For or against Montenegro’s accession to NATO”

Center for Democracy and Human Rights – CEDEM, in cooperation with the NGO “Spona”, Berane organized a public debate “For or against Montenegro’s accession to NATO” with the aim of promoting open dialogue as the most effective mechanism for raising citizens’ awareness of NATO integration. The forum was held on October 30 in the building of the Polim Museum in Berane.

Arguments for and against Montenegro’s membership in NATO were exchanged by Mr. Sasa Radunovic, Mr. Vladimir Laban, Mr. Slobodan Tomasevic and Mr. Admir Osmanovic, while the moderator of the debate was Mr. Braho Adrovic. Panelists, prominent civic activists are members of the informal association of citizens of Berane, Pljevlja and Bijelo Polje, which is also the holder of the campaign that will be organized in all three municipalities. The debate was attended by Dr. Zoran Marsenić, Vice President of the Municipality of Berane, who opened the debate with a welcome speech, as well as Mr. Darko Stojanović, Manager of the Municipality and Mr. Nebojša Babović, Advisor for Cooperation with International Organizations in Berane Municipality. The public debate is part of a campaign implemented within the project Raising public awareness of the role of citizens in the decision-making process on NATO integration of Montenegro, supported by the Embassy S.A.D. in Podgorica, whose goal is to raise the civic awareness of the local population to be more actively involved in the decision-making process on NATO integration of Montenegro.