Guide to the Open Government Partnership initiative published
CEDEM, the Center for Social Research Analytics and the Center for Euro-Atlantic Studies (CEAS) have published a translation of parts of the OGP Guide to serve NGOs and other stakeholders interested in monitoring activities in the Open Government Partnership initiative.
Within the project Advocating Open Governments: Setting the Agenda and Monitoring Country Action Plans by Civil Society, implemented by PASOS in cooperation with partner organizations from the Western Balkans region and with the support of the European Commission.
The Open Governance Guide provides practical guidance for developing action plans for the implementation of the Global Open Government Partnership initiative. The guide was created as a result of the work of several civil society organizations gathered around the Transparency and Accountability Initiative.
You can download a translation of parts of the OGP Guide via the following links: Disclosure of Property and Conflict of Interest, Open Public Data and Record Management, Privacy and Data Protection, Right of Access to Information, Police and Public Safety, and Protection of Whistleblowers.