Analysis “Mapping Key Deficits of Learning Outcomes of Studies of All Profiles of Social Sciences for the Needs of the Quaternary Sector”

The Center for Democracy and Human Rights – CEDEM conducted a survey aimed at determining which competencies of graduates of social sciences are insufficient in terms of the needs of the Quaternary sector in Montenegro in relation to public administration and education.
The results of the research indicate that the learning outcomes of the educational curricula of the faculties of social sciences in Montenegro largely do not coincide with what the actual knowledge, skills, and competencies of graduates of social sciences in practice.
One of the research findings indicates that 56.3% of respondents believe that education in Montenegro is at a decent level, and that in relation to the countries of the region, at a higher level than in Albania, at the same level as in Bosnia and Herzegovina, or at a lower level compared to Croatia and Serbia.
Based on the results of the survey, learning outcomes are highest and fairly uniform at the Faculty of Political Science, Faculty of Economics, and Faculty of Law at University of Montenegro, while the values for private faculties are slightly lower, among which the Faculty of Administrative and European Studies – FAES is better ranked than others, followed by the Humanities Studies and the Faculty of Law at the University of Donja Gorica. The research as a whole can be found here.
The analysis “Mapping the Key Deficits of Learning Outcomes of Studies in All Profiles of Social Sciences for the Needs of the Quaternary Sector” is part of the project “Practical Academy for Social Integration” implemented by CEDEM with the support of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports.