PGF Montenegro
In October 2011, CEDEM was selected as the national partner of the Open Society Foundation (OSF) in Budapest for the implementation of the PGF Montenegro project. This project is implemented within the MtM (Making the most of the EU funds for Roma) program, which is aimed at improving the availability of EU funds to Roma organizations and improving the inclusion of Roma in Montenegrin society.
The “PGF Montenegro” project is being implemented for the second year in a row and aims to contribute to more efficient and sustainable integration of Roma into Montenegrin society. Activities are aimed at strengthening the capacity of Roma NGOs and community members to write project proposals and manage the project cycle, with a special focus on EU-funded projects. Involvement of representatives of the Roma community in all phases and activities of the project is the greatest value of the project.
Key activities include organizing consultation meetings with relevant institutions and community representatives, preparing special needs analyzes, training on project proposal writing and management of EU-funded projects, for representatives of Roma NGOs, local governments, social dialogue partners and the business sector, establishing PGF service for end users at the local level, providing advisory support in writing and implementing projects, forming a selection committee for project quality control. The project also envisages a program of training and strengthening the capacity of young Roma interns, under the expert supervision of mentors and experienced associates. A special component of the project is public advocacy in the field of national and local strategies, which aims to encourage participation in the decision-making process concerning the RE population and to contribute to the needs and problems of this population to be adequately addressed through public policies.
The project is being implemented in cooperation with the Center for the Development of Non-Governmental Organizations (CRNVO), the NGO Humanitarac and the Center for Roma Initiatives in Nikšić (CRINK).