
A multisectoral approach to the protection of the rights and fundamental freedoms of persons with disabilities!

This project aims to contribute to greater respect for the rights of persons with disabilities and raise awareness of professional and lay public about the importance of protection against discrimination of persons with disabilities through: 1) providing practical and theoretical knowledge to judicial advisers, civil society actors , local governments, media, high school students from Bijelo Polje, Kolašin and Žabljak, Centers for Social Work, Department for Inspection Affairs and local units of ZZZCG on anti-discrimination legislation, protection against discrimination of LSI and enabling equality of persons with disabilities with other persons; 2) improving the position of persons with disabilities, ie the equality of persons with disabilities in the labor market, through the effective implementation of the Law on Prohibition of Discrimination and the Law on Prohibition of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities; 3) encouraging the development of a more coherent and effective equality policy through raising awareness of the rights of persons with disabilities; and 4) raising public awareness of intersectional discrimination against persons with disabilities.

This project is especially aimed at the following target groups: 1) Young staff in the judiciary (expert advisors with special emphasis on employees in the Basic Courts, High Courts, Constitutional Court, Supreme Court, as well as representatives of the State Prosecutor’s Office and law offices); 2) Civil society actors (employees of organizations dealing with the rule of law, protection and promotion of the rights of persons with disabilities (with a focus on monitoring the implementation of the benchmarks for Chapters 23 and 24)); 3) Representatives of the Secretariat for Social and Legal-Normative Activities of Local Self-Governments from the Northern Part of Montenegro; 4) Labor inspectors of the Directorate for Inspection Affairs of Montenegro from the central-northern part of Montenegro; 5) Employment Advisors in local units of the Employment Bureau from the central-northern part of Montenegro; 6) Representatives of electronic and print media; 7) Representatives of the Centers for Social Work, the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Human and Minority Rights; 8) High school students from Bijelo Polje, Kolašin and Žabljak and 9) Persons with disabilities.

Project activities will be implemented in Podgorica, Žabljak, Bijelo Polje and Kolašin, and the total requested budget necessary for the implementation of project activities is € 29,658.50. The project is funded by the Ministry of Human and Minority Rights of Montenegro.