Media Center for Environmental Reporting

The Center for Democracy and Human Rights (CEDEM), in cooperation with RTV Pljevlja and Green Home, has started implementing the project Media Center for Environmental Reporting – NORTH. The two-year project is being implemented with the financial support of the European Commission through the Media Professionalization Program in Montenegro.
The project is being implemented at a time when Montenegro is expected to intensify efforts to harmonize and implement legislation in the field of environmental protection, especially waste management, water quality and climate change, as outlined in the 2019 European Commission Report for Montenegro. Chapter 27 on the one hand, and improving media freedoms, as highlighted in the Action Plan for Chapter 23 at the heart of the negotiation process, on the other.
In this regard, the overall goal of the project is to strengthen participatory democracy and the EU integration process of Montenegro by strengthening and encouraging professionalism and investigative journalism in the field of environmental protection and the negotiation chapter 27.
The specific objectives of the project are to build the capacity of journalists in northern Montenegro and to make efforts to report on key environmental issues in a professional and ethical manner, using free access to IT tools and databases, and cooperating with the civil sector in this area.
The project is primarily aimed at journalists of RTV Pljevlja, and students of journalism at the Faculty of Political Sciences, freelance journalists and civil society organizations from the north of Montenegro.
The activities are divided into three clusters that will contribute:
- Improving the knowledge and acquisition of new skills of journalists and civil society representatives for investigative journalism and environmental reporting, using new tools through mentoring and training;
- Encouraging investigative journalism and reporting on transparency and the right to environmental information that affect the social and economic issues of citizens;
- Raising awareness and interaction among journalists, civil society organizations and citizens