CEDEM became a member of the OSCE network of think tanks and academic institutions

CEDEM became a member of the OSCE network of think tanks and academic institutions

CEDEM has become a member of the OSCE Network of Think Tanks and Academic Institutions, which includes independent research centers and institutions engaged in academic research and policy analysis on issues relevant to the OSCE Security Agenda. -A member of the OSCE Network of Think Tanks and Academic Institutions, which includes independent research centers and institutions engaged in academic research and policy analysis on issues relevant to the OSCE Security Agenda.

The OSCE Network provides expert opinion, stimulates discussion and raises awareness of the work of the OSCE through the exchange of experiences and coordination of activities between members. It contributes to the ongoing security dialogue by identifying common threats and challenges and supports the Helsinki + 40 process.

In the long run, the network is assisting OSCE participating States in pursuing a shared vision of the Euro-Atlantic and Eurasian security communities.