The project is implemented by PASOS in cooperation with partner organizations from the Western Balkans, with the support of the European Commission.

The project is implemented by PASOS in cooperation with partner organizations from the Western Balkans, with the support of the European Commission.

The representative of CEDEM, Marija Vuksanović, participated in the first regional forum of the rule of law organized by the Government of Montenegro – the Ministry of Justice, the AIRE Center in London and the organization Human Rights Defenders.

The forum was organized with the aim of discussing key challenges and opportunities for strengthening the rule of law in the Western Balkans region through interactive dialogue between key actors. Special attention is paid to the application of the standards of the European Convention on Human Rights and the harmonization of the practice of national courts with the practice of the Strasbourg Court.

The event brought together eminent international and regional legal experts, representatives of the countries of the region before the European Court of Human Rights, judges of the European Court and national courts, as well as representatives of non-governmental organizations dealing with judicial reform and human rights.