Vox Populi – implementing better choices

Vox Populi – implementing better choices

Montenegro faces social and political challenges and, for the first time, requires democratic roadmaps. In order to contribute to strengthening the accountability, transparency and consolidation of democratic institutions, CEDEM has developed the project “Vox populi – Implementation of better elections”. The project will identify and measure citizens’ perceptions and attitudes on key issues of reform processes on the road to the EU, provide a roadmap to ensure the rule of law and ensure justice for all, and serve as a basis for preventive activities. The added value of this project is monitoring the work of the Government and public institutions in key areas of negotiation chapters 23 and 24 through standardized indicators for a period of six months, as well as encouraging dialogue and constructive cooperation between key actors – CSOs, international community and decision makers.

Together with partners, namely the Ombudsman Institution, the Parliament of Montenegro and its committees, the Ministry of Justice, Human and Minority Rights, and the Judicial and Prosecutorial Council, CEDEM will directly contribute to improving their work and initiating long-awaited reforms and necessary solutions. In the spirit of constructive cooperation with these partners, CEDEM will organize meetings to present key findings and recommendations for improving the reform process on the negotiating path with the EU, ie judicial reform, improving the fight against corruption and organized crime, and assistance in consolidating and transparent democratic institution and improving the national process of reconciliation and reducing social polarization.

The project lasts seven months and the total budget is 21,800 euros. The project was supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Italy through the call “Bando Balcani” from 2021.