Published results of the research “The position of persons with disabilities in Montenegro: identification of practices and patterns of discrimination”
CEDEM, in cooperation with the project partner “Center for Anti-Discrimination – EKVISTA” within the project “Strengthening professional capacity to combat discrimination against persons with disabilities” supported by the Ministry of Human and Minority Rights, published the results of the survey “Position of Persons with Disabilities” in Montenegro: identification of practices and patterns of discrimination. ”You can download the results of the research by clicking on the following link: 1927-position-lsi-identification-of-practices-and-patterns-of-discrimination-of-persons-with-disabilities
Participants in the group interview (used as a research method, with 8-13 participants each) were relevant representatives of institutions, which are involved in various ways in the field of inclusion and protection against discrimination of persons with disabilities, NGOs and persons with disabilities – as individuals.
The topics that were formulated and guided by the group interview were:
• general problems of persons with disabilities in Montenegro;
• manifestations, frequency and experiences related to the problem of discrimination against persons with disabilities;
• the relationship and practices of the competent institutions, when it comes to combating discrimination against persons with disabilities.